Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kate Golcheski: In Memoriam (of her birth)

Some of you may be wondering: on what day was Kate Golcheski--famed used-book autocrat, drowsy poet, and 47-lb. rooster--born? Why, today, in fact! Not today, exactly, but on this day twenty-two years ago. Wowee-zowee!

As I write this, the Writing Center is burbling around me, and a blue piece of construction paper with a cooked scissored edge has fallen (miraculously) next to my hand. Can Kate "Crazy Legs" Golcheski expect a birthday message to be written on it? YES. She can.

But in addition, let's enumerate some of the things that we like about the birthday girl.

My Inner Psychic Congress, after much shield-thumping and consenting murmurs, has voted that the following is what we like about Kate Golcheski:

1.) KG writes things that make me go "EEP!" or "Snort!"

2.) KG was the abbreviation for the word "kindergarten" at Roger Sherman Elementary school and it's one of my favorite German words (Cultivate those kids!)

3.) KG has/wears cool shirts regularly

4.) KG is from Ol' Virginny, a lush and verdant state

5.) KG doesn't eschew my mystical beliefs

6.) KG is funny, and boy does she know how to talk!

7.) KG enjoys unicorns (see above picture)

Happy Birthday Kate!! You're born again today!


k said...

This is all very accurate except I don't like unicorns. I LOVE unicorns.

Word, Loren. You're my brosef for life for rizzle.

Anonymous said...

Yeah except isn't tomorrow your birthday? I got confused.